For the
ninth time, the National Gallery of Slovenia is hosting one of the most
important design events in Slovenia. Through the Biennial, both the National
Gallery and the Brumen Foundation promote domestic designers of visual
communications and provide a wide overview of development in the field for the
previous two years. An international jury evaluates the products.
The Brumen Grand Prix 2019 was awarded to the design and communication team of the BIO 26 Biennial of Design. Shared knowledge. In separate categories, the jury awarded the identity of the project and its infographics, which are "inseparable and question the boundary between information value and visual expressiveness. The biennial's identity immediately catches the eye. Once in focus, the design offers the viewer several layers of informations - from the content and location of the event, to the infographic backgrounds and the ultimate conceptual surprise. The design, which works across platforms and applications, does not have a single bearing image but is flexible, imaginative and effective," the jury reasoned.
Out of 354 entered projects, 124 were selected. Entrants ranging from designers to clients, coming from all parts of Slovenia, and working in various industries, make the Biennials scope as wide as possible.
The Brumen Foundation is a non-profit organisation whose aim is promoting quality design and informing a wider audience of the fact that design is all around us and is a key contributor to our quality of life. The Brumen Awards are the highest professional recognitions in the field of design in Slovenia. Since its inception, the Biennial advocates for a higher creative culture, creates the conditions for presenting competitive products and promotes original creativity.

Exhibition opening (video)
Brumen Fundation board members: Radovan Jenko, Ajda Bevc, Primož Pislak, Ajda Schmidt, Peter Skalar
Production team: Hana Cirman, Anja Delbello, Ana Ugrin, Aljaž Vesel
Designers of the visual identity and the exhibition: Anja Delbello, Nejc Prah, Aljaž Vesel
Partner:National Gallery of Slovenia
General sponsor:
Project supported by:
Ministrstvo za kulturo
Mestna občina Ljubljana
Union Hotels
Elektro Ljubljana
Mič Styling
Tiskarna knjigoveznica Radovljica
Pivovarna Laško
Media sponsors:
23 October – 28 November 2019
National Gallery of Slovenia
Prešernova 24
1000 Ljubljana