The Prague Castle Picture Gallery (Obrazárna Pražského hradu) belongs to
the rare European art collections that have continuously existed for a number
of centuries to the present. Its existence and fate were impacted greatly by
the turbulent events of Czech and general European history. Emperor Rudolf II
was considered a passionate collector, but his ultimate goal was not to
endlessly amass rare, outstanding, interesting or bizarre items and
curiosities. He appreciated and was interested in everything created by nature
and by humans through the ingenuity of their mind in the fields of arts and
crafts, in which the artists and scientists gathered at his court were
involved. During Rudolf’s reign, Prague became the metropolis of the Holy Roman
Empire and a “mecca for sciences and arts” for the second time in its history. His
gallery, which housed about three thousand paintings, and the collections in
the so-called Kunstkammer, cabinet of
curiosities, were not meant to be admired by the public but by those who knew
how to appreciate their quality and profit from their message.
The war that engulfed Europe after Rudolf's death
affected the collection of paintings as well. Everything that had not been
taken to Vienna was seized by the Swedish army. In 1648, at the request of
Queen Christina, it took away some valuable paintings and statues from the
Prague imperial collection.
Judging by the inventory, merely empty frames and
damaged paintings were left in the gallery in 1650. Nevertheless,
superintendent Miseroni had managed to hide a few pieces from the Swedes and
those artworks were subsequently returned to the Picture Gallery. They,
together with the new acquisitions that were bought by Archduke Leopold Wilhelm
for Ferdinand III at the auction of Lord Buckingham’s collection in Antwerp in
1650, made up the reestablished gallery. Even later, through transports to
Vienna, changes in the purpose of rooms during the reign of Maria Theresa,
sales and the 1782 public auction of the Kunstkammerobjects, the most outstanding works would be taken away from the collection or
adapted to fit the placement in new rooms. The collection underwent a peculiar
fate also at the time of the Czechoslovak Republic and during the political
changes after the Second World War.
It was only after careful examination and the reconstruction
of the rooms of Rudolf II’s time that the most beautiful works were put on
display in the reopened Prague Castle Picture Gallery in 1965. Since then, the
public can enjoy masterpieces by the early Netherlandish masters, works of art
by Titian, Paolo Veronese, Jacopo Tintoretto, the Bassano family painters,
Domenico Fetti, Guido Reni, Lucas Cranach the Elder, Hans Holbein the Younger,
Johann Heinrich Schönfeld, Peter Paul Rubens, and many others.
At the exhibition, we present to the public 46 finest
works of art – paintings, statues and goldsmith's products, which, together
with reproductions of archival documents, provide a view that for centuries was
reserved only for the eyes of the Emperors.

Exhibition opening (video), RTV Slovenija, MMC

History of exhibited works (video), Eliška Fučíková
The exhibition is organized by
National Gallery of
Office of the President of the Czech Republic
Castle Administration
exhibition is under the Honorary Patronage of
President of the Republic of Slovenia Mr. Borut Pahor
President of the Czech Republic Mr. Miloš Zeman
Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic Mr. Lubomír Zaorálek
Minister of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia Mr. Vasko Simoniti
Author of the exhibition and of the
exhibition texts
Project leader
Idea of the exhibition project
Jaki, Ivo Velíšek, Eliška Fučíková, Václav Beránek
Meke, Andrea Hozáková, Martin Herda
Conservation-restoration preparation of
Hamsíková, Dagmar Junek Hamsíková, Zdeněk Novotný, Jitka Jirkovská, Zdeněk
Exhibition set-up and graphic design
The works of art were loaned by
Archives of Prague Castle
metropolitan chapter of St. Vitus in Prague
Gallery Prague
Castle Administration
collection, Czech Republic
The exhibition was supported by
prezidenta republiky
Pražského hradu
predsednika Republike Slovenije
za kulturo Republike Slovenije
kultury České republiky
zahraničních věcí České republiky
Republike Slovenije Praga
d. d.
zavarovalnica d. d., Ljubljana
gorice d. d.
Galerija Marjan Lovšin

1 October 2020 – 3 January 2021
The exhibition is extended until 21 February 2021
National Gallery of Slovenia
Prešernova 24
1000 Ljubljana